Hi, I am Elena!
I started my career as a software developer in a multinational company and then a manager. During my time as a manager, I fell in love with coaching and I started practicing it as an internal coach in parallel with my management role. I now cumulate more than 10 years of management experience and more than 750 hours of coaching practice spanned over 10 years in the organizations where I have worked and as a freelancer.
Now, I work with leaders helping them to find the inner balance they need to lead their teams effectively, plan strategically, create work environments where they and their teams can thrive, navigate change and at the same time keep the work-life balance we all need to be effective on the long run. When needed, I accompany them to take ownership of their career paths or navigate a transition to find and deepen the new skills that better serve them in the new position.
I am passionate about what I do, I love hearing my client’s life stories in coaching sessions and accompany them to become the person they wish to be. And during my leadership trainings, I enjoy exchanging ideas with other leaders about what worked for them and what didn’t as well and sharing knowledge so we can find a solution together.