- Road to the unknown
When I chose to become a freelancer a few years back I did not take the decision lightly, I weighed it for some time and it seemed that it was the right choice for me back then. But the truth is I had no idea what was in store for me following this decision. Now, …
- Wherever you go, there you are
Article published on ICF Romania bog on August 14th 2024. Have you ever been to a vacation, some other place away from home or take time off work and felt all your problems have vanished? Yet when you came back everything that you left behind came pouring down on you like rain on an autumn …
- About Coaching
I strongly believe that we need to treat our mind and spirit the same way we treat our outside body: clean it and groom it regularly. Otherwise, instead of a clear mind and healthy body, we will carry a lot of old habits, feelings and emotions that are no longer useful to us. If the …
- Perfect
What is your deepest desire? What do you wish the most at this moment? And what if it came true? What then? I saw a few years ago a TV show about a young boy from a poor village, (in Morocco if I am not mistaking). He was an adolescent (14-16 years of age), he …
- Break Free from Your Mold
I have always wondered why there are so many unhappy people around me. In Romania, being discontent with everything around us is almost like a virtue. We despise everything and everyone. Then I went to Western Europe and I saw that people are different, they are more content with their lives and they are happier. …
- Giving Feedback to Your Colleagues
If we search the internet for the word „feedback” we find that feedback is a process in which information about the past or the present influences the same phenomenon in the present or future. As part of a chain of cause-and-effect that forms a circuit or loop, the event is said to “feedback” into itself. …
- Workplace 2.0
While I was in Thailand I saw lots of young people with huge backpacks, set off to see the world. I had seen them before in different countries in Europe, but they were not so many and not so far from their homes. The first question that came into my head was how old were …
- Why I Can’t Be Happy
I have been on a quest for happiness for some time, and because of this I got used to analyze my state of mind every now and then. I realized that I have all the reasons to be happy: I am happily married, I have a good, stable job, I do not have money issues …
- The Optimal Experience
I am currently reading a book on what the author calls “the optimal experience”. The book is called „Flow: The Psychology of Happiness” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Basically, using the findings of modern psychology, the book tries to answer a very old question: When do people feel most happy? Even though the book has more than …
- The Land of Smiles
It has been a while since I’ve posted on my blog and the reason is a very happy event that took place in my life and that took a lot of my time and energy. On this occasion I got the chance to travel to a land which I will not forget very soon: Thailand. …
- Celebrate Life
I look at myself and around me and I see busy people, trying to gather money, possessions, trying to improve themselves or trying to be better parents for their children; basically trying to make the most of their lives. But I feel that we are so trapped in this rush of making the most of …
- Living in the Present
I recently read two books and both of them were based on the same idea: people are happy by nature and the main reason for their unhappiness is the mind and its never ending journey into the past or into the future. I came to realize that there is truth in this idea. We are …
- Fairytale of Childhood
Because Christmas has just passed and New Year is around the corner, how about going back to childhood for just a few moments. For me this means a time when we allowed ourselves to dream, to believe in magical creatures and to be free. We do not do this as adults, not because we cannot …
- Make Time for Your Loved Ones
Because Christmas is coming and because a person very close to me is leaving the country I decided to write today about family relations. From my experience the relationship you have with your family is the most complicated of human relations. They are complicated because we cannot choose or change our family, they are for …
- Embrace Happiness
This is the first time I write about happiness but I am sure it is not going to be the last. Happiness has been a popular term in our society for hundreds of years and people have always searched for it. We are born with a desire to maximize our pleasure and being in a …
- What Motivates People?
Motivation is something which has interested me a lot in the past years and I am writing this article from a manager’s perspective. From my point of view, motivating your team is one of the most important, if not, the most important, things you have to do as a manager. I have seen the power …
- Patience
It is said that patience is a virtue and, as with all virtues, when we forget about one of them, life has a way of making us aware and gives us lessons until we remember it. Because I received this kind of lesson lately, I have given it some thought and I think that the …
- About Corporate Trainings
I went last week to a corporate training and here is how it went. The general idea about these kinds of trainings is that they are company’s way to make you work harder for them. So what annoys people is the fact that the company is trying to influence them. My question: what’s wrong with …
- Dolce Far Niente
I see busy people everywhere, busy at work (projects, meetings, dead-lines) and busy at home and during the week-ends. We want to be informed; we want to stay in touch with our friends; we want to read as many books as possible; we want to shop, to find the best deals or the best clothes. …
- Influence as a Leader
I just finished reading a book which I found very interesting. It’s called “Influence” by Robert Cialdini. The book is about how people can be convinced into doing things they would not normally do. You might think it’s an evil book because it teaches people techniques they can use to influence other people. But what …
- Stepping off the Treadmill in Greece
I have been to Greece for a few days this summer. It is a wonderful country and although I have been there several times, it never ceases to amaze me. I love everything about it: the landscape, the people, the food and I would definitely say it is one of the countries to see before …
- Recipes that Change Your Life
You find them everywhere: on the Internet, in books, on TV – almost everywhere you look there is someone telling you how you should live your life in order to achieve a certain goal. But this kind of recipes never worked on me and I don’t think they work on others either. Usually at the …
- The Drama Triangle and the Old Giving and Giving and Giving…
According to Wikipedia,” the drama triangle is a psychological and social model of human interaction in transactional analysis (TA) first described by Stephen Karpman, in his 1968 article Fairy Tales and Script Drama Analysis” I am writing about it because it made a tremendous impact on me when I discovered it (when it finally reached …
- Nice to Meet You
I got the idea of having a personal blog some time ago, but I postponed it because of time issue (or so I said) but the reason was probably the lack of courage. It’s the fear that almost always prevents us from doing the things we want. In my case it was the fear of …