Elena Hartup Stup 2

I am not going to lie: self-employment has been a bumpy ride so far. But, I am happier and more fulfilled with my career. I get to make my own schedule and most importantly I get to follow my passion. It feels like I am doing what I was born to do: accompany people in their journey through life.

I am deeply motivated by putting my mark into the world I live in, by leaving something behind. I find coaching and teaching through trainings are the best way for me to do this. If by interacting with me a person changes something in who they are, this has consequences on how they think and act. Changing their behavior will also influence everybody they interact with. So, the people in their lives might also be touched by this change and they will propagate it to those around them and so on. This way, my influence will propel like ripples in a pond.

By working with leaders, my impact will be even more important as leaders can have a greater impact on those around them. We have an innate bias to follow authority and comply to its requirements and I believe a good leader, someone to admire and trust can go a long way into influencing a person’s life.