Towards the end of 2018, a new chapter in my life begun: parenting. This was a very special time in my life and it changed me in ways I could have not imagined. It was a complete change of scenery. It was a lot of human connection in my life, babies are very good at that and less intellectual stimulation.
It was with ups and downs, it still is, but I like to say that having children gave me a purpose in life I previously did not know I was missing. And I believe all parents know what I am talking about.
Three and a half years and two baby girls later, it was time for me to decide whether I return to the corporate world as an employee or I follow my passion and try my luck as a self-employed coach and trainer. After giving it a lot of thought and consulting with my family, I chose the latter. It felt like the time was right, like it was now or never, and I knew that I would regret it if I didn’t at least give it a try.